S.I.A.T.E. S.r.l., being a “quality-oriented” company, focuses its activity on the continuous improvement of the products and services; this aim is successfully pursued through the direct involvement of the whole staff.
The quality policy of S.I.A.T.E. can be summarized in the following points:
- to fully satisfy the customers both with the products and services;
- to involve all the working staff through a continuous training activities in order to achieve the general improvement of the processes
In fact, the quality policy success is strongly linked to the professional and cultural growth of each working person; moreover the quality policy, in all its phases, constitute the priority both for the management and for the other people working in the company; - to avails of suppliers that are able to provide products and services with the best quality/price term.
Suppliers, being an important component of the productive chain, must be involved in Siate improvement quality program; - to harmonize our growth and development with the attention for the environmental issues.
All the above permitted Siate Srl to achieve the certification ISO 9001:2008.